Import Quotes into Xero from Google Sheets
Sections in this article
In order to upload data in Xero, you need to be logged in into current Xero organization.
Upload functionality is built on top of Xero API functionality and
utilize the structures that Xero API supports.
The first step is to create a template.
Install G-Accon for Xero Google Sheets add-on if you don't have it installed.
How to design a template to upload data from google sheets to Xero?
This is one time process. The easiest way to map your data to Xero object fields is to go to Add-ons -> G-Accon for Xero -> Reports Designer -> Design Accounting Report, select Quotes object (table) from the drop down menu and all attributes which you would like to upload. This gives you the structure that can be easily mapped and post into Xero account. You can select all or some attributes based on your preferences.

To find a certain field in the attributes list,
you can type the name of the attribute and all attributes which have the entered values in it will be highlighted in the below box.

In our example, we are retrieving Quotes from one of our Xero organizations. Here is the result of the execution.

Let’s assume we need to create New Quote in Google spreadsheet and upload it into Xero account. We have entered a new quote with customer name, description, and line items attributes. Next step is to create the Upload Template. In order to create the Upload Template, you need to go to Add-ons -> G-Accon for Xero -> Upload Accounting Data to Xero ‘Company Name’.
How to select object, operation, start cell and rows mode?
You will see the Upload Accounting Data to Xero ‘Company Name’ screen where you can specify what are you planning to change in Row Selection Mode, what object you are working on, what operation you need, what the start cell is and, where your result will be displayed in your google sheet.

Your next step is to select the Xero table where you want to upload your data.
Select the Quotes table and choose the operation from the Select Operation drop down box.
G-Accon for Xero supports Insert and Update operations. Quotes support only Insert operation.
The Address of the First Table Header Cell is the identifier of the top left corner of the
DataSet and needs to be set up in case the data is not starting from A1, for example,
in our case our template starts in A2. The Result Column field is used to set the position of upload results.
Where Id is object id, Success will be true in case operation was fulfilled successfully,
Created will be true in case insert was successfully,
Error displays a error in case error happens and Timestamp is the time when operation was performed.

When quotes are created successfully the deep link(s) to Xero Quotes screen will be provided to you.

How to MAP fields?
Option 2, Map table column headers and object fields, allow to you to map fields from your template to Xero fields. Fields in Xero table display the list of available Xero fields that can be entered or updated. Xero object fields CANNOT be changed. The goal is to map DataSet headers to the Xero object fields. G-Accon provides field data types and discrete values. Column mapping contains the headers of your DataSet.
As our unique feature we also support custom field mappings. There are no restrictions on how your input DataSet headers are named. If any mandatory fields during the upload process are missed, you would be notified with the error message. For your convenience, we provide data types and values in case Xero object field has fixed values such as “tax type”, “type”, “status”, etc. Please note that majority of fixed values have the internal Xero format and they are different from Xero user interface values.
You have the ability to DRAG a field from Fields in Xero table above and DROP on the column you want to map it to.

How to schedule automatic data upload?
To schedule the auto upload, you can create a workflow thru the option Create Workflow and
schedule auto upload and notification processes.
Automatic workflow allows users to create different workflows, include specific templates,
set up the different schedules for different workflows, notify the customers, clients,
and the team members using different automatic notifications within the same spreadsheet.
See the Create Workflow for further information.

How to UPLOAD data in One Click
G-Accon offers the amazing ability to upload your financial data in ONE click.
You just need to go to Add-ons -> G-Accon for Xero -> and select Upload to Xero based on Templates for Current Sheet.
As a result your data will be uploaded to Xero organizations right away without any delay.
To schedule the auto upload, you can create a workflow thru the option Create Workflow and
schedule auto upload and notification processes.

How to modify your upload template?
You are in the middle of the refresh process and you realize you need to modify your report.
You need to select Add-ons -> G-Accon for Xero -> Update/Modify/Delete Templates
for Current Sheet

Select the object, make the necessary changes to it and Update
the template or Update and Execute
the new query.
Watch Video Tutorials
How to Import in Bulk Invoices into Xero from Google Sheets
How to Edit Xero invoices in bulk from Google Sheets
How to download and upload Xero Bank Transactions
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