Easily generate consolidated Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, or Cash Summary reports comparing multiple time periods in one spreadsheet.
Create consolidated reports in different currencies using our built-in currency converter with automatic or custom exchange rates.
Generate consolidated reports based on the latest available exchange rate from the exchange rate provider. Every time you refresh this report, the latest exchange rate will be used.
Schedule an automatic refresh to generate and email real-time consolidated reports to your team and clients in Google Sheets, Excel, PDF, and CSV files. Automatically save backups to your Google Drive.
Easily customize your consolidated reports using G-Accon flexible templates: select dynamic or custom dates, filters, multiple time periods, traditional or historical layouts.
Consolidate data from different sources such as offices, branches, or departments in one Google Spreadsheet to get a clear overview of results across the businesses
Reports will be automatically generated in your selected currency using live or custom exchange rates.
Save your template and automatically generate reports based on a flexible schedule.
For example: send notifications when invoices are overdue.
Generate 12-month, 5-year month over month, 10-day, 3-week Profit & Loss or any date range you choose. Compare up to 60 periods!
Easily connect your consolidated reports to Google Data Studio to build insightful dashboards.
Go to G-Accon for QuickBooks Google Sheets add-on - Consolidated Reports menu option and select your entities to create a group of companies to consolidate. Choose from Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, or Cash Flow reports.
Select your options, such as dynamic or custom dates, filters, multi-currency converter, multiple time periods, etc. You can also save your templates to the Cloud for later use or share them with your team.
Use G-Accon Workflow Builder to automatically generate and refresh your consolidated report and email to your team and clients. You can also schedule backups in your Google Drive.
Report | How To |
Consolidated Profit and Loss Report | How to generate Consolidated Profit and Loss |
Consolidated Cash Flow Report | How to generate Consolidated Cash Flow |
Consolidated Balance Sheet Report | How to generate Consolidated Balance Sheet |
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