G-Accon FAQ

Yes. Establish a secure connection for each company (one time only). Refresh all of your entities/clients automatically or instantly in one click. Watch this video

Absolutely. Watch the video that shows how to consolidate financial reports across multiple companies with multi-currency.

Absolutely. Please send us details to support@accon.services.

Yes, you can create several templates on the same spreadsheet tab.
1. Go to section #2 (Change Pull Settings) of the template
2. Select the position of the template “Start Cell Address”
3. Uncheck the check box “Create a new sheet”
4. Execute the template.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Automatic Operations Events Log" tab
  2. Select your specific table within your Google Sheet
  3. Click on the link (template name) and go to the "Schedule Refresh" section
  4. Remove the schedule

To upload Bills using the Invoice option, follow these steps:

  1. Add an extra mandatory column "type" with the value "ACCPAY" for bills (or "ACCREC" for invoices).
  2. Add an extra mandatory column "Status" with the values "DRAFT" or "AUTHORIZED" (not "PAID").
  3. Add an extra mandatory column "Line Amount Types" with values "INCLUSIVE" or "EXCLUSIVE".
  4. Add Line Items, Tax Type, and Line Items.
  5. Tax Amount is not required as "Line Items.Account Code" has that information.

In order to create multi-line item invoice, all root attributes must match like the invoice number, due date, invoice date, etc. Watch this short video tutorial: How to import in bulk invoices into Xero

  1. Link the Report Date to a Google Spreadsheet cell using the function =today().
  2. Enter =today() in any cell (can be any date depending on your use case).
  3. Click on the icon next to the report date field, select the cell, and insert the reference into the Report Date by clicking the insert button.
  4. Save the template. The report date will now be taken from the cell and the Aged Receivables report will be up to date.